MCP - MUD Client Protocol support in Perl


    use MCP;
    $pkg = Define MCP::Package 'dns-org-mud-moo-simpleedit',
      min_version => "1.0",
      max_version => "1.0";
    define_initializer $pkg sub {
       my ($session) = @_;
    define_method $pkg content => sub {
       my ($session, $params) = @_;
       print "Reference: $params->{reference}\n";
       print "Name: $params->{name}\n";
       print "Type: $params->{type}\n";
       foreach (@{$params->{content}}) {
          print "$_\n";
       print "\n";
    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET
      ->new(PeerAddr => "", PeerPort => 8888);
    $sess = MCP::Session->new($socket, client => 1);
    $sess->write_inband("connect $user $password\r\n");
    while (<$socket>) { $sess->eat_line($_); }


MUD Client Protocol is a means for multiplexing a bidirectional stream of structured messages onto a single line-oriented channel. For more details see


The following methods are available:

MCP::Package->Define(name, [attrib => value,...])
Creates a package definition. Allowed attributes include
Minimum version supported by this implementation

Maximum version supported by this implementation

The class from which to instantiate package instances if other than MCP::PkgInst (class must still be a descendant of MCP::PkgInst).

Package initializer. Supplying this is equivalent to using define_initializer below.

Package finalizer. Supplying this is equivalent to using define_finalizer below.

Returns the package name.

Returns the fully qualified method name corresponding to $name

define_method $pkg name => sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... };
$pkg->define_method(name => sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... });
Defines a message handler.

define_initializer $package sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... };
$package->define_initializer(sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... });
Defines a package initializer. Initializers run as soon as version negotiation succeeds in a given session.

define_finalizer $package sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... };
$package->define_finalizer(sub { my($session,$params) = @_; ... });
Defines a package finalizer.

Returns $session's package instance object for this package, if any.


The following methods are available on session objects:

MCP::Session->new($out, [param => value ...])
Constructs a new MCP::Session object atop the given output filehandle $out. The following parameters are recognized:
client => boolean
server => boolean
One of client or server should be specified A server session issues the initial #$#mcp immediately, A client session waits for the peer to issue the #$#mcp.

close => coderef
A subroutine to be called when this MCP session is terminating. It should return true according as the caller will be invoking $session->close_hook() by itself

abort => coderef
A subroutine to be called if MCP version negotiation fails

echo => boolean
echo back all received MCP message lines on output as in-band lines

derive the session's id from this string instead of generating one

Begin MCP activity on this session, installing the root message handler and, for server sessions, sending the initial handshake message.

Call the close parameter supplied to new, if any, to indicate that this session is to be terminated

Does the actual work of terminating a session, disabling all of the message handlers and invoking the various package finalizers.

Has this session been closed?

Is this a client session rather than a server session?

$session->send_msg($full_method_name [, keyword => value ...])
Sends an out-of-band message. Scalar values are stringified. An array-reference value causes the corresponding keyword to be treated as a multiline key.

Sends an in-band string. Any lines beginning with the out-of-band prefix are suitably quoted.

Complete lines are sent immediately. Any trailing partial line is saved and prefixed to the next write_inband() call.

Feeds a single network line (including newline) to the session. If the line is in-band, return it, unquoted as necessary. If the line is out-of-band, parse it, dispatch it, and return false.

Expected usage is something like:

  while (<>) { $session->eat_line($_); }

Feeds an arbitrary string of network characters to the session. Each complete out-of-band line is extracted, parsed, and dispatched. Quote prefixes are removed from quoted in-band lines. Remaining complete (in-band) lines are removed from $string and returned as a list (possibly empty).

Any trailing partial line is left behind in $string.

Expected usage is something like:

  while (sysread(HANDLE, $buffer, $chunk_size, length($buffer))) { 
      foreach ($session->eat_string($buffer)) {
          # ... process inband line $_;

receive_msg($name, [kwd => $value ...])
(debugging) Simulates receiving an out-of-band message. Values must be strings or array references (of string arrays).

new_from_fd($fd, [kwd => $value ...])
(debugging) Creates a session from an output file descriptor. Keyword paramters are as for new.


Copyright 2002 Roger F. Crew.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.