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6. Function Index: T – V

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Index Entry Section

tan4.4.2.2 Operations on Numbers
tanh4.4.2.2 Operations on Numbers
task_id4.4.6 MOO-Code Evaluation and Task Manipulation
task_stack4.4.6 MOO-Code Evaluation and Task Manipulation
ticks_left4.4.6 MOO-Code Evaluation and Task Manipulation
time4.4.5 Operations Involving Times and Dates
tofloat4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
toint4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
toliteral4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
tonum4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
toobj4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
tostr4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
trunc4.4.2.2 Operations on Numbers
typeof4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values

unlisten4.4.4 Operations on Network Connections

valid4.4.3.1 Fundamental Operations on Objects
value_bytes4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
value_hash4.4.2.1 General Operations Applicable to all Values
verb_args4.4.3.4 Operations on Verbs
verb_cache_stats4.4.8 Server Statistics and Miscellaneous Information
verb_code4.4.3.4 Operations on Verbs
verb_info4.4.3.4 Operations on Verbs
verbs4.4.3.4 Operations on Verbs

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